Spirit of Flight Award

Sponsored by SETP corporate member Scaled Composites, Inc.

The Spirit of Flight Award was established by the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in 1996 to recognize an EAA member(s) who has made a significant contribution to the spirit, technology, manufacture, safety and flight test of home-built/sport/classic aircraft.

Selection Criteria

EAA will solicit its chapter presidents and other knowledgeable members of its association annually for nomination of the EAA member or members who best exemplifies the spirit of research, development, or flight test.  EAA to provide names and background data on 1‑5 individuals or groups, along with their recommended ranking, to SETP, in time for the June Board of Directors meeting.

During the June SETP Board of Directors meeting, the Board will discuss and vote on EAA's recommendations, with a simple majority required for approval of the recommendation. The President of SETP will notify the EAA Headquarters, at the earliest opportunity, of the Board's recommendation. This will provide ample time for preparation of the award to be presented at the EAA Convention in late July or early August.


Objectives of SETP

Promote air safety by presenting pilot's opinion; Strengthen the influence of the test pilot on aeronautical progress; Continuously evaluate the adequacy of flight equipment; Exchange information for the development of improved testing techniques; Exchange ideas, experiences and information concerning techniques of escape and survival; Discuss newly experienced phenomena in the realm of flight; {Further professional advancement through lectures and displays; Stimulate interest in aviation careers through scholarships and other projects among the youth of the nation; Broaden professional and fraternal relationships.)

Nomination Criteria

1. Nominations will be solicited by the Experimental Aircraft Association.
2. Nominations may be submitted by any EAA Chapter or individual member.
3. The nomination must be presented not later than the June SETP Board of Directors Meeting. This timing allows selection and notification of the recipient in time for the EAA annual EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI.
4. Nominations must be submitted in writing.
5. Selection requires a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
6. The nomination must contain pertinent and compelling information concerning the candidate's contributions to sport aviation and the EAA.