A review of your initial or upgrade application prior to submission can help the application process. If you feel that you would benefit from the review and guidance from one of the SETP Section liaisons, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for their contact information (see below for Membership Committee Members designated to each Section).

Please email completed applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There are three initial membership levels for SETP; Provisional Associate Member (PAM), Associate Member (AM), and Member (M).

PAM membership is available for recent graduates of recognized test pilot school courses, but only allows for a maximum of three years of membership benefits with the first year at no cost to the PAM. To continue those benefits, the PAM must be elected to membership as an AM or M before the end of their PAM status. Instructions for PAM applicants and the PAM application form.

Joining SETP (including upgrading from PAM), or upgrading from AM to M requires completing and returning the Member or Associate Member Application. Applicants should use the Instructions to Membership Applicants for guidance while completing the form. An additional Qualifying Sorties Application Page can be used as needed.

SETP membership levels also include Associate Fellow, Fellow, and corporate membership. 

Upgrading to Associate Fellow is only available for current Members (not Associate Members). Applicants should use the document Qualifications and Instructions for Upgrading to Associate Fellow to guide their completion of the Associate Fellow Upgrade Application.

SETP Fellows annually select new Fellows from Associate Fellows in good standing.

Corporate membership is available for any organization that has a common interest with SETP in the advancement of the aims and objectives of the Society. After reviewing the Benefits of SETP Corporate Membership, applicants may complete and return the Application for Corporate Membership form.


SETP Membership Committee Designated Liaisons:

Canadian Section – Jeff Trang         Indian Section - Karl Major
Central Section – Aaron Tobias         Northwest Section – Bob Stoney
East Coast Section – David Culbertson   Southeast Section –  Austin Omlie 
European Section – James Young      Southwest Section – Gregory Morris
Great Lakes Section – Brett Vance   West Coast Section – Don Weiss


Map of the United States                


Annual Dues:

Associate Member, Members, Associate Fellows, Fellows: $160


Initiation fees:

Associate Member: $40

Member: $125

Lifetime Membership Fee:

LM Chart as of 2015


Why Join SETP?

CLICK HERE to download a PowerPoint Presentation that outlines the benefits of a SETP Membership.

Watch the video clip below for some insight into why Art "Turbo" Tomassetti (F) joined back in 2000!


SETP Recognized Test Pilot Schools

The Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) currently recognizes eight test pilot schools. Pilots who successfully complete courses that are at least 10 months long, at any of these schools, are considered to have demonstrated the knowledge required of test pilots for the purpose of joining SETP. The SETP Constitution also allows graduates to join the Society upon graduation, provisionally, as an Associate Member. 

The recognized schools are:

Empire Test Pilot School

United States Naval Test Pilot School

United States Air Force Test Pilot School

French Test Pilot School (EPNER)

International Test Pilots School (11 month course)

National Test Pilot School (11 month course)

Indian Air Force Test Pilot School

Brazilian Test Pilot School


Click HERE for Corporate Membership Information